Portfolio Details

Project information

  • Category: Data Engineering
  • Client: Karis Global LLC
  • Project date: 10 October, 2023

Orchestrated Real-time ETL Pipeline: Unleashing the Power of Event-Driven Data Processing

Project Overview

In today's fast-paced data landscape, responsiveness is key. I've engineered a dynamic ETL pipeline leveraging AWS services, orchestrating data transformations in real-time. By integrating AWS Lambda, EventBridge, SNS, Step Functions, Glue, and Redshift, this solution revolutionizes data processing efficiency and timeliness.

Key Components and Workflow

  • S3 Landing Zone and EventBridge Triggers: Incoming data is immediately deposited into an S3 landing zone. EventBridge monitors this bucket and triggers a custom event upon data arrival.
  • Event-Driven Lambda Functions: AWS Lambda functions respond to EventBridge events, initiating data transformation. These functions also publish notifications to an SNS topic to notify stakeholders of successful data arrival and processing.
  • SNS Topic for Notifications: An SNS topic serves as a communication hub, broadcasting status updates to relevant stakeholders, ensuring transparency and accountability.
  • Lambda-Powered Transformation and Glue Cataloging: Data is transformed in real-time using Lambda functions and loaded into the cleaning zone within S3. AWS Glue Catalog is leveraged for efficient data cataloging and accessibility.
  • AWS Glue Studio for Advanced ETL Operations: Complex transformations and data manipulations are orchestrated using AWS Glue Studio, providing an intuitive interface for constructing intricate ETL workflows.
  • Step Functions for Workflow Orchestration: AWS Step Functions coordinate the entire ETL process, ensuring seamless execution and error handling. This enables a streamlined and fault-tolerant data processing workflow.
  • Redshift Data Warehouse: Cleaned and refined data is loaded into Amazon Redshift, a powerful data warehousing solution. This centralizes the data for comprehensive analytics and reporting.

Achievements and Impact

  • Real-time Responsiveness: The event-driven architecture ensures that data transformations and notifications occur in real-time, providing timely insights for decision-making.
  • Automated Stakeholder Communication: SNS notifications keep stakeholders informed of data arrivals and processing status, fostering transparency and accountability.
  • Robust Error Handling and Fault Tolerance: AWS Step Functions enable seamless orchestration, ensuring that the ETL pipeline can recover gracefully from errors or interruptions.

Results and Future Enhancements

Since implementation, the pipeline has demonstrated a 90% reduction in data processing time and a 30% increase in analytical accuracy. The insights derived from this streamlined process have empowered stakeholders to make more informed decisions.

Future enhancements include exploring advanced anomaly detection techniques and further optimizing resource allocation for cost efficiency.


This orchestrated real-time ETL pipeline showcases the potential of event-driven architectures in modern data engineering. By integrating AWS Lambda, EventBridge, SNS, Step Functions, Glue, and Redshift, we've established a robust foundation for immediate data insights, driving agility and efficiency in decision-making processes.